Posts tagged with: 2015


Articles published in 2015

When Egos Collide in Treatment

By Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP I stood before the group of registered dietitians and nutrition professionals, around 400 in all, hoping that my message would be well received. As a speech-language...

12 Ways Real Parents Won Over Their Picky Eaters

If you’ve ever tried serving a meal from a cookbook with a name like Dinners Picky Eaters Will Devour! and your child wouldn’t take a bite, well … welcome to...

Five Things to Know if Your Client Has Food Allergies

By Melanie Potock  For pediatric feeding therapists, whether working in the home, school/community or hospital/clinic setting, understanding safety precautions for kids with food allergies is essential. Here are five things...

Study Up on PANDAS: A Little-Known Disorder With Big Effects

By Melanie Potock Tomorrow—October 9—is PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) includes a little-known set of symptoms that occur when strep creates inflammation in...

Tips for Eating with Our SEVEN Senses – Part Two: Touch and Sound

By Melanie Potock In Part One of this series on Eating with Our SEVEN Senses, we explored the sense of sight, smell and taste and offered tips for encouraging a...

A Special Needs Guide for Learning to Eat with Your SEVEN Senses – Part One

By Melanie Potock Most of us think of five senses and the human body: Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.  But, when it comes to learning to eat a wide...

Autism and the School Cafeteria: Four Tips to Help Kids Eat

By Melanie Potock The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all students get at least 20 minutes to eat lunch, but many public elementary schools give kids just 20 minutes...

Top 10 Lessons I Learned from Loving Kids with Autism

By Melanie Potock If you’ve had the good fortune of loving kids with autism, you’ve probably encountered a few unexpected lessons in life.  In honor of National Autism Awareness Month...

5 Mistakes (some) Parents Make When Praising Their Picky Eater

By Melanie Potock What’s parenting got to do with raising a healthy eater?  Everything. Now, that’s not to say that kids become picky eaters because of “bad” parenting. When I teach...

S.I.T.! Feeding Your Child Using Stability and Independence at the Table

By Melanie Potock As a pediatric feeding therapist, I visit homes, daycares and preschools to help hesitant eaters become adventurous, healthy, happy eaters. The very first thing I assess is...