Help kids try new foods by ensuring that they come to the table hungry. Download this free chart to learn more about eating times versus growing times.
Even 6-month-olds can learn to drink from a straw. Check out Coach Mel’s step by step instructions on how to teach kids to straw-drink and watch the video in The Picky Eater Course. Wondering about about teaching a little one how to drink from an open cup (without spilling everywhere)? This is in The Picky Eater Course too!
Research clearly shows that exposing your child to a variety of foods is key to raising an adventurous eater and overcoming picky eating. Melanie uses this chart with the families that she coaches to ensure that “learning foods” show up on the child’s just as often as preferred foods. Download your free copy here. Read the article that Melanie wrote for The American Speech Language Hearing Association on how to use this chart.